Graphic Encounters

Graphic Encounters

I created this comic to promote SICK! Festival which took place in Manchester in 2019. The project was developed with Manchester Metropolitan University and the LGBT Foundation and aims to illuminate the experiences of women in Manchester. This comic was displayed on poster sites across Greater Manchester’s Metrolink network, I also ran a comic workshop as part of the festival.

The comic itself is based on an interview I conducted with an anonymous participant, she volunteered to take part in this project and she was so brave to do so. She is autistic and struggles with anxiety and depression. During our meeting, we talked about her experience as a trans woman and how that relates to her mental health. I was lucky enough to learn so much from her and to be allowed the opportunity to share her story through this artwork so that other’s who have had similar experiences may hopefully feel less alone.

The above images show the poster displayed at various sites across Greater Manchester’s Metrolink Network, and an advertisement I created for my comic workshop which took place at the festival.